1. Smok­ing in the build­ing is strict­ly for­bid­den, except from des­ig­nat­ed smok­ing area which is locat­ed out­side of the build­ing on the park­ing close to the entrance on lev­el “0” and there is an ash­tray.
  2. Check in time: 1 pm
  3. Check out time: 11 am (extend­ed stay is pos­si­ble after con­sult­ing with our recep­tion)
  4. Break­fast:
    • from Mon­day till Fri­day- 7:30 till 9:30 am
    • from Sat­ur­day till Sun­day- 8:00 till 10:00 am
  5. Room clean­ing every day dur­ing stay between 10:00 and 14:00 (tak­ing out trash, adding toi­let paper, exchange dirty tow­els that were left on the floor).
  6. Rooms can be cleaned also on request, please con­tact recep­tion to arrange that.
  7. Con­tact num­ber for the recep­tion: +48 71 394 74 42
  8. If you have fur­ther ques­tions, sug­ges­tions, wish­es or com­plains, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us on the fol­low­ing e‑mail address: wroclaw@kamienicapodaniolami.pl